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Week 32 at The Mayme A. Clayton Library & Museum

The launch of MCLM new online database is tomorrow! I am very excited for this event as I will be giving demo on how to use the database. The database launch coincides with an event MCLM is hosting entitled Africa Speaks, American Answers: Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times. This free event is a celebration of Jazz Appreciation month featuring a discussion with Dr. Robin Kelly, the Gary B. Nash Professor of American history in the UCLA department of history, who will be discussing his book Africa Speaks America Answers: Modern Jazz in Revolutionary Times.

Last week volunteers completed to detailed inventory of the James Jefferies collection. Inventories are an important part of any processing procedure. I find that a basic inventory allows me to look at the entire collection quickly, and then decide how to move on to processing at a folder level or cataloging at the item level.

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