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Week Eleven at The Mayme A. Clayton & Museum

Lately I’ve been working on inventorying MCLM’s extensive collection of sheet music. Inventorying is a step that occurs at MCLM before processing begins. This is a necessary step because the museum needs to establish control over each item in the collection. The Society of American Archivists calls this step a preliminary inventory, defined as “A listing of the contents and condition of a collection made before processing.” The items that are being inventoried are the aforementioned sheet music, photographs, art work, and movie posters.

This week I also gave a presentation to The California African American Genealogical Society. My presentation went over personal preservation practices for paper and photographs. CAAGS was very receptive and I was excited to field their interesting questions.

Lastly, be sure to look out for MCLM in Carter Magazine, we are going to be a featured institution!

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